Resources, Insights
and News

In life you never stop learning. Here you will find a collection of useful online marketing resources, insights and news.


How to increase the shopping cart value in your online store

The shopping cart value, or average shopping cart value, is an important indicator for your online store. It provides information about how much users spend on average per purchase, while a high shopping cart value can also indicate that users are satisfied with the products/services and prices offered. Since a higher shopping cart value can also help to increase the

Shopstory software vs. agency: The marketing alternative for online stores

Digitization has long been unstoppable and many areas of life would be unthinkable without it. One example of this is the purchase of a wide variety of products and services over the Internet. Online trade, also known as eCommerce, has recently experienced strong growth as a result of the Corona pandemic. As a result, many retailers have set up a